Backup on external disk using zrepl

Hi all, on my laptop I’ve two nvme, one of 2Tb with linux-zfs, and one of 1Tb with freebsd. Also I’ve one external nvme on a case that I’ve formatted on zfs for using how backup.

This in my situationmarco@gentsar ~ $ zpool list -v NAME SIZE ALLOC FREE CKPOINT EXPANDSZ FRAG CAP DEDUP HEALTH ALTROOT backup 928G 302G 626G - - 0% 32% 1.00x ONLINE - sda2 931G 302G 626G - - 0% 32.5% - ONLINE lpool 1.80T 292G 1.51T - - 0% 15% 1.00x ONLINE - nvme-MSI_M480_PRO_2TB_511240829130000340-part3 1.80T 292G 1.51T - - 0% 15.9% - ONLINE marco@gentsar ~ $

marco@gentsar ~ $ zfs list                              
NAME                            USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
backup                          302G   597G   384K  /backup
backup/bsd                     9.62G   597G   384K  none
backup/bsd/freebsd-home         384K   597G   384K  none
backup/bsd/freebsd-home-marco   503M   597G   503M  none
backup/bsd/freebsd-root        9.13G   597G  9.13G  none
backup/condivise                180G   597G   180G  /backup/condivise
backup/linux                    113G   597G   384K  none
backup/linux/arch-home         23.9G   597G  23.9G  none
backup/linux/arch-root         21.0G   597G  21.0G  none
backup/linux/chimera-home      1.67G   597G  1.67G  none
backup/linux/chimera-root      13.7G   597G  13.7G  none
backup/linux/gentoo-root       31.6G   597G  31.6G  none
backup/linux/void-home         9.43G   597G  9.43G  none
backup/linux/void-root         11.4G   597G  11.4G  none
lpool                           293G  1.46T    96K  none
lpool/condivise                 178G  1.46T   178G  legacy
lpool/home                     46.2G  1.46T    96K  none
lpool/home/arch                22.7G  1.46T  19.9G  legacy
lpool/home/chimera             2.23G  1.46T  1.23G  legacy
lpool/home/fedora                96K  1.46T    96K  none
lpool/home/gentoo              11.9G  1.46T  10.3G  legacy
lpool/home/void                9.39G  1.46T  5.37G  legacy
lpool/root                     68.7G  1.46T    96K  none
lpool/root/arch                20.4G  1.46T  16.6G  /
lpool/root/chimera             15.2G  1.46T  9.61G  /
lpool/root/gentoo              24.5G  1.46T  20.6G  /
lpool/root/void                8.54G  1.46T  7.98G  /

for snapshot I’m using zrepl and follow its site I created this config:

marco@gentsar ~ $ cat /etc/zrepl/zrepl.yml              
# This config serves as an example for a local zrepl installation that
# backups the entire zpool `system` to `backuppool/zrepl/sink`
# The requirements covered by this setup are described in the zrepl documentation's
# quick start section which inlines this example.
# - adjust the name of the production pool `system` in the `filesystems` filter of jobs `snapjob` and `push_to_drive`
# - adjust the name of the backup pool `backuppool` in the `backuppool_sink` job
# - adjust the occurences of `myhostname` to the name of the system you are backing up (cannot be easily changed once you start replicating)
# - make sure the `zrepl_` prefix is not being used by any other zfs tools you might have installed (it likely isn't)


# this job takes care of snapshot creation + pruning
- name: snapjob
  type: snap
  filesystems: {
      "lpool/root/gentoo": true,
      "lpool/home/gentoo": true,
  # create snapshots with prefix `zrepl_` every 15 minutes
    type: periodic
    interval: 15m
    prefix: zrepl_
    # fade-out scheme for snapshots starting with `zrepl_`
    # - keep all created in the last hour
    # - then destroy snapshots such that we keep 24 each 1 hour apart
    # - then destroy snapshots such that we keep 14 each 1 day apart
    # - then destroy all older snapshots
    - type: grid
      grid: 1x1h(keep=all) | 24x1h | 14x1d
      regex: "^zrepl_.*"
    # keep all snapshots that don't have the `zrepl_` prefix
    - type: regex
      negate: true
      regex: "^zrepl_.*"

# This job pushes to the local sink defined in job `backuppool_sink`.
# We trigger replication manually from the command line / udev rules using
#  `zrepl signal wakeup push_to_drive`
- type: push
  name: push_to_drive
    type: local
    listener_name: backup
    client_identity: gentsar
  filesystems: {
      "lpool/root/gentoo": true,
      "lpool/home/gentoo": true,
    encrypted: false
      initial: guarantee_resumability
      # Downgrade protection to guarantee_incremental which uses zfs bookmarks instead of zfs holds.
      # Thus, when we yank out the backup drive during replication
      # - we might not be able to resume the interrupted replication step because the partially received `to` snapshot of a `from`->`to` step may be pruned any time
      # - but in exchange we get back the disk space allocated by `to` when we prune it
      # - and because we still have the bookmarks created by `guarantee_incremental`, we can still do incremental replication of `from`->`to2` in the future
      incremental: guarantee_incremental
    type: manual
    # no-op prune rule on sender (keep all snapshots), job `snapshot` takes care of this
    - type: regex
      regex: ".*"
    # retain 
    # longer retention on the backup drive, we have more space there
    - type: grid
      grid: 1x1h(keep=all) | 24x1h | 360x1d
      regex: "^zrepl_.*"
    # retain all non-zrepl snapshots on the backup drive
    - type: regex
      negate: true
      regex: "^zrepl_.*"

# This job receives from job `push_to_drive` into `backuppool/zrepl/sink/myhostname`
- type: sink
  name: backup
  root_fs: "backup/linux"
    type: local
    listener_name: backup

This config create snapshots correctly, but I don’t understand when snapshts are moved on backup pool.

Someone use it?

I use zrepl for backups, including to a removable drive. Snapshots are never ‘moved’, they are copied.

The configuration you have posted requires a manual trigger to cause the push_to_drive job to run. To do that you’d run zrepl status, scroll down to the push_to_drive job, and press S to trigger the job.

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Thanks so much, tomorrow I’ll try. But if I want to automatized? Can I do it?

Certainly, you can use any tool you like (cron, anacron, systemd timers, etc.) to run zrepl signal to trigger the job. I do this on laptops, triggering the job after the laptop comes out of suspend mode.

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I’m very stupid. I’ve launch zrepl status and trigger push_to_drive, but I’ve this error:

║jobs                                ║│Job: push_to_drive                                                                                                                                                                            │
║├──backup                           ║│Type: push                                                                                                                                                                                    │
║├──push_to_drive                    ║│                                                                                                                                                                                              │
║└──snapjob                          ║│Replication:                                                                                                                                                                                  │
║                                    ║│   Attempt #1                                                                                                                                                                                 │
║                                    ║│   Status: filesystem-error                                                                                                                                                                   │
║                                    ║│   Last Run: 2025-01-25 10:40:24 +0100 CET (lasted 0s)                                                                                                                                        │
║                                    ║│   Problem: one or more of the filesystems encountered errors                                                                                                                                 │
║                                    ║│   Progress: [>--------------------------------------------------] 9.5 MiB / 46.3 GiB @ 0 B/s                                                                                                 │
║                                    ║│     lpool/home/gentoo STEP-ERROR (step 1/1, 5.5 MiB/13.6 GiB) server error: cannot create placeholder filesystem backup/linux-root/gentsar/lpool: placeholder filesystem encryption handling │
║                                    ║│     lpool/root/gentoo STEP-ERROR (step 1/1, 4.0 MiB/32.6 GiB) server error: cannot create placeholder filesystem backup/linux-root/gentsar/lpool: placeholder filesystem encryption handling │
║                                    ║│                                                                                                                                                                                              │
║                                    ║│Pruning Sender:                                                                                                                                                                               │
║                                    ║│   Status: ExecErr                                                                                                                                                                            │
║                                    ║│   Progress: [>] 0/0 snapshots                                                                                                                                                                │
║                                    ║│   lpool/home/gentoo ERROR: replication cursor bookmark does not exist (one successful replication is required before pruning works)                                                          │
║                                    ║│                                                                                                                                                                                              │
║                                    ║│   lpool/root/gentoo ERROR: replication cursor bookmark does not exist (one successful replication is required before pruning works)                                                          │
║                                    ║│                                                                                                                                                                                              │
║                                    ║│                                                                                                                                                                                              │
║                                    ║│Pruning Receiver:                                                                                                                                                                             │
║                                    ║│   Status: Done                                                                                                                                                                               │
║                                    ║│   nothing to do                                                                                                                                                                              │
║                                    ║│                                                                                                                                                                                              │
║                                    ║│Snapshotting:                                                                                                                                                                                 │
║                                    ║│   Type: manual                                                                                                                                                                               │
║                                    ║│   <no details available>                                                                                                                                                                     │
║                                    ║│                            

on /var/log/zrepl.log I read this:

2025-01-25T10:51:55+01:00 [ERRO][push_to_drive][pruning][jHmm$EuX7$EuX7.LHnX.wIhD.ABEk]: : plan error, skipping filesystem prune_side="sender" err="replication cursor bookmark does not exist (one successful replication is required before pruning works)" fs="lpool/root/gentoo" orig_err_type="*errors.fundamental"

maybe problems are that my datasets aren’t encrypted. But I don’t understand how using send without encryption

It would probably be best to ask these questions in the zrepl repository or its Matrix channel.

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