Donation options to support the site

Just wanted to say thank you for setting this up and not bending knees or kissing pinky rings (and for giving /r the proverbial left foot of fellowship :wink: ).

I assume we’re here to stay and I would like to suggest that you open a Ko-Fi account to take donations to help pay for the hosting costs, show our support for your ongoing efforts and your time.


Does ko-fi work better for you than Patreon? I’m more familiar with Patreon, which is why I set that up first – – but I’m happy to look into additional venues if Patreon doesn’t work for some folks.

I mention Ko-Fi because that’s what I use to support someone else. He moved from Patreon to Ko-Fi so I moved along, IIRC it was because Ko-Fi had lower fees for monthly subs or no fees for one-time donations. This may have changed in the meantime though.

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and coming to think of it, allows lower monthly subs?

I mean, 5 euros (plus 1 eu tax = 6) ain’t a lot but when supporting different people/causes it adds up quickly.

Twice in the past week I have attempted to create an account with Patreon only to have it instantly deactivated. I don’t know what their issue is.

Mr. Salter, I would like to thank you for all that you have done for the ZFS community. If it had not been for your excellent Ars Technica articles, I probably wouldn’t have found my way to FreeNAS/TrueNAS and now ZFS on Linux. I would like to make a donation. I would be happy to PayPal you a yearly donation or even mail you a check as a thank you.


Let me look into options for both kofi and PayPal. I really appreciate the support. :heart:



Would you be willing to accept bitcoin through lightning payments?

I could be wrong, but my impression of Patreon is that their fees are not conducive for small payments. I really want to support this platform but zfs is a very small portion of my interests. As such, I am really only willing to contribute small amounts. Dollars and their necessary intermediaries make that an expensive prospect, but bitcoin/lightning does not.

I’m pretty sure I recall that you are not fond of bitcoin, but I’d like to plead my case for it in this context.

Thanks for reading and thanks for the site,


I appreciate the offer, Bob, but you’re right that I am violently allergic to cryptocurrency at this time. If you want to support the site financially in some other way than Patreon, you may donate any arbitrary amount to (hopefully with a memo so I know what it’s for). And I am still looking into setting up Ko-Fi at some point for those who prefer it, but for right now, it’s Patreon or PayPal. :slight_smile:

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Fair enough. I don’t blame you, there is a lot of BS in the cryptocurrency space. About the only thing I’ll say in response is just to remember the phrase “If it ain’t your keys, they’re not your coins”… pretty much everything else is a scam.

What I’ll probably do is hang around for a while and then send over something through paypal. I’ll also check out Ko-Fi. Gotta say, I’ve never heard of it before.

Thanks again,


Add my “many thanks” to Mr. Salter for setting up this site (along with all of the other things he does for our Linux community in general and ZFS in particular.)


Thanks for the paypal option. Just used it.

If you had left out the “at this time” I would have wondered if you were me. World’s biggest scam together with NFT imnsho.


“at this time” acknowledges the possibility that there COULD at some point be some cryptocurrency effort that isn’t a grift. It should not be taken as anything more supportive than that. :slight_smile:

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Also, thank you very much for the donation! :heart: