Introduction - nickf

Hey guys - Name’s Nick.

Been around the block a while now. Authored some posts over on STH, active on TrueNas forums, Level1Techs and a bunch of subreddits. Happy to see a new home for ZFS here.

I posted on reddit, but also mentioning here:

If you’re looking for a place to send data for the forum offsite for DR I’m sure something can be arranged. I do have a very large homelab in CT with a 5 gig symmetrical fiber connection, a highend EPYC system and IXSystems TrueNAS M50.

I also have a Cisco UCS C220m3 coloed in NC with a company called Dacentec.

Send me a chat request if you need something. It would be an honor, Mr Salter :slight_smile:


Staff, please, can you merge the various introductions to a single Introductions topic?


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