Migrating VM or data from a broken proxmox install to a fresh one?

I didn’t do the right thing and properly backed up my vms, and i currently am unable to access my vms from a broken install. I’ve created a new proxmox install on a drive in the same machine. When running lsblk, i am able to see the old LVM and filesystems and i’m hoping i can migrate all of that over to the new install / drive.

If that’s not possible, is it possible to mount the filesystem with the data contained in the vm so i can more easily rebuild the vm on the new drive?

From my new system, i’m able to locate the devices with the vms, i’m just not sure what I’d need to next for a proper migration

root@pve:~ ls /dev/pve-OLD-8F3C34A5
root  swap  vm-100-disk-0  vm-100-disk-1  vm-101-disk-0

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

I think the way I’d go about this would be to add the LVM as a data store in Proxmox and remake the VMs, but don’t start them. Instead you can edit the config file in /etc/pve/qemu/ and add in the old disk image.

That should get things going. Just to be safe, I’d make a backup of that data before you go forward.

Hey @tvcvt, thanks for your response.

I’m not familiar with the concept of a datastore in proxmox. Would you be able to point me to a document or a few commands that I could use to add the LVM as a data store?

As far as making the backup, which files would I be backing up?

Sure thing. The PVE documentation’s actually pretty good for this: Proxmox VE Administration Guide.

Basically you go into Datacenter > Storage and click the Add button. Read up on the docs and you’ll see what types of storage support which features.