I’m putting together a pair of NAS machines and could use some guidance. Opinions and anecdotes are welcome. If I’ve missed any important considerations, my pros/cons are inaccurate, or if anyone has opinions on which route I should take any and all input is very much appreciated. Please let me know if I’ve left out any pertinent information, thanks!
One machine offsite with family, serving double duty as an offsite backup for me and a local storage target for them.
The other will run in my home as a general storage and backup box.
I’d like to configure both servers identically so that in future if I want to change something about the setup I can test locally before deploying the change to the remote box.
Each host will use zfs for data storage and a separate drive for the host os
The two hosts will be connected via VPN for regular replication, probably WireGuard or Tailscale
At this point I’ve landed on four options for base OS:
“Just works” NAS functionality, easy to set up basic shares and basic disk maintenance tasks.
Improved discoverability. TN provides all the knobs and buttons I might need to tweak.
Difficult to automate configuration / easy for me to miss things when replicating config from one box to another
Any learning is specific to how TrueNAS does things, likley not very useful outside this context.
In the brief, rushed, single experience I had trying to get two TrueNAS boxes to replicate between each other, getting the connection established was a bit of a pain.
Package availability seems limited. I would need some research to figure out how to install Tailscale and Sanoid.
config built/tested locally and the SCP’d to the remote
- Easy to replicate configuration from one machine to the next
I don’t actually understand what’s going on under the hood. Could be a pro for learning, but things like updating installed packages is something I’d have to look up.
Software availability is a bit of a question. Many packages have been built for NixOS, but I won’t be surprised if something I want hasn’t.
configured via Ansible
Easy to replicate configuration between machines and back up that config in case OS drive fails.
Mainstream OS with mainstream support / community, easily Googleable if I run into problems.
I think of this as a “regular” OS, so anything I have to learn to accomplish this goal on Ubuntu would be a much more transferable skill than TrueNAS or NixOS.
I cannot imagine a package being available for the other options and not also Ubuntu
- Discoverability, from the OS, is nil. It’s entirely on me to learn important details of configurations that matter to me.
Store data on the host’s pool and provide it as a virtual drive to a guest Vm which makes shares available, e.g. Ubuntu or NixOS detailed above
Can use any OS I like for the NAS functionality, and change that decision much more easily than if it were installed on bare metal. Especially helpful
Config backup and restore would be trivially simple.
Because of ^, testing different configurations is much easier
- One more layer of complicaiton/abstraction. Possibility for unexpected funkyness as a result.