I’ve been playing with zfs on ubuntu. I did try the zfsbootmenu instructions but it wouldn’t boot, the fan would just spin and no progress for minutes…so I’m back to the ubuntu zfs install.
So I took a pool snapshot, installed omakube but it’s broken in someway and I’d like to rollback.
I tried zfs rollback -r rpool@snap1 from ubuntu recovery mode, but everything was still the same, even after reboot. So I tried zfs rollback -fR rpool@snap1 too, because I’m not really understanding the documentation, but it didn’t seem to have any effect either.
What is the right command to restore a pool from a snapshot? What am I misunderstanding?
I wonder if I need to boot from a USB drive instead of the ZFS drive? I assumed there would be some error message if the rollback failed but maybe not?
the -r (and even -R) in zfs rollback do not mean what you think they mean. They only will have rolled back the rpool dataset, not the ones that actually contain the changes you made, which will be some sub-dataset of rpool.
Ideally, you’d just be changing which dataset was your “boot environment” rather than actually doing a rollback anyway.
Thanks. I realize I’m in over my head, so I just bought your OpenZFS book. Meanwhile I tried zfsbootmenu again and messed something up because it doesn’t find a kernel to boot. I’ll probably go back to the default ubuntu zfs install and just play with that some more as I learn zfs.
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