A less-technical friend of mine was looking for a NAS, so I pointed him at the TrueNAS mini and told him I would help him set it up. Set up went swell (we set up TrueNAS scale because he needed to have access to his music by SMB and over Plex, and I don’t know how to do that in Core), but he uses MacOS and we found that due to Apple “Thinking Different” about how standard protocols should work, SMB share operations are abysmally slow. It was about 10MB/s maximum over a wired connection. My linux laptop could do nearly 100MB/s over wifi.
Some searching led me to find this is apparently a known issue and that Samba has a “fruity mode” that should fix this, but I have yet been unsucessful in enabling that mode or making any other changes on his client or the server to increases speeds.
We tried using NFS, but that process is not user-friendly at all on MacOS. He dropped 2 grand to have a good NAS experience and so far this isn’t it. Does anyone have any experience making SMB tolerable for Mac Clients using TrueNAS Scale?