Sanoid on Proxmox: Best way to setup?

I am new, but found this forum pretty informative so far. Maybe someone with more knowledge can give me a recommendation on the following thought:

a) I have a production server running Proxmox on ZFS (a mirror pool for VMs and a raidz2 pool for datasets)
b) I just installed my backup server with Debian 12 on a single raidz2 pool. I added syncoid in pull mode that connects to Proxmox as a specific user with limited rights (through ZFS delegation) to pull new ZFS snapshots.

Now I want to automate snapshots on Proxmox. (I think) I have two choices:

  1. Either install Sanoid on Proxmox. This would be the straight-forward way and would probably work, but I would like to avoid installing additional scripts/tools on Proxmox.

  2. … or install Sanoid in an unprivileged or privileged LXC.

It is unclear whether snapshotting works from inside LXC. This answer:

suggests it is possible… if all datasets are bind-mounted inside the LXC.

There are also reports that ZFS snapshotting will work in unprivileged containers soon, using ZFS delegation:

… but there is a comment from Oct1, 2023 that suggests that snapshots from privileged containers is not supported.

Another completely different solution could be to run cv4pve-autosnap inside an LXC.

Since cv4pve-autosnap uses the Proxmox API, the tool doesn’t require ZFS access from within the container and won’t work if the host is down.

But I could not find out whether cv4pve-autosnap supports snapshotting of arbitrary ZFS dataset paths (e.g. my data pool), or only works for container-connected ZFS volumes (I think not because it requires a parameter called vmid).

Long story, I tend to install Sanoid on the Proxmox Hypervisor. Thumbs up or thumbs down?

I’ve use sanoid for years right on the proxmox nodes with no operational or update issues. I’d certainly trust it more like that than running under a guest.

Another option is running Proxmox backup server instead or concurrently. They have no overlap and PBS would be quicker for restores and single file restores.