Can someone explain to me why the values pertaining to space in my pool are wrong?
~$ zpool list
flash_temp 3.62T 2.56T 1.07T - - 0% 70% 1.00x ONLINE -
tank 18.2T 10.2T 7.99T - - 5% 56% 1.00x ONLINE -
~$ fastfetch
# Only showing relevant info
Disk (/flash_temp): 391.05 GiB / 1.34 TiB (29%) - zfs
Disk (/flash_temp/nfsshare): 84.21 GiB / 1.04 TiB (8%) - zfs
Disk (/tank): 1.84 GiB / 6.26 TiB (0%) - zfs
I nuked the old Ubuntu Server installation I had running on my home server but forgot to do zpool export so I’ve speculated that it might be the issue why the system is reporting the wrong values - can someone confirm whether this might the issue or not?
Also, does anyone know if it’s possible to get the “real” values?
There isn’t enough screen estate to display all the information when I run the zfs list command, due to overlay (k8s) on one of my pools. I may not have explained myself well in my original post (English isn’t my primary language), but what I meant was that certain applications, like fastfetch, don’t seem to report the “correct” values for disk space; they show the used space of the remaining free space without considering the total pool size.
For example, my pool is 18.2TB, with 56% already in use. fastfetch shows that I have used 1.84GiB/6.26TiB, instead of 10.19TiB/18.2TiB. Why doesn’t it report the “real” used space in relation to the total capacity?
Because they are not ZFS-aware and have no idea what the total pool capacity is; all they know is USED and FREE on each dataset. And unless you set a quota and/or refquota on a dataset, FREE for any given dataset is the same value as FREE for the pool as a whole, so there you go.